Interested to learn more? Skyline Landscapes is a design-build landscape firm based in Boston. We specialize in arboriculture, landscape architecture and construction. Our company provides a 'soup-to-nuts' package for both residential and commercial clients.
We specialize in arboriculture, landscape architecture and construction. We are experts in understanding tree health and identifying ways to address your landscape needs.
We have over 10 years of experience in horticulture, working at large botanical gardens, estates, residential and commercial locations.
We work on one project at a time, making sure that everything is complete from start to finish before moving on to new ventures.
We believe in quality and accountability. When we do a job, we make sure it is done right. Our guarantee to our clients is what gives us our reputation as certified professionals.
We perform tree health assessments, limb removals, revitalization pruning, tree removals, and tree relocation and precision tree planting.
We are fully licensed to draft concept plans to construction sets, perspective renderings, and even 3D models to help clients understand our ideas.
How can we help you? Take a look at our specialties below and learn more about our mission to help you.
We work with annuals, perennials, shrubs, grasses, and ground covers. We even do green roof planting and pond planting.
We proudly execute designs by architects and other design professionals.
After all, working together and collaborating with others is what makes a good project great.
We assess and administer plant "medications" to rid your plants of pests. We believe that the least amount of chemical herbicides used the better.
We fabricate and install custom pieces of furniture and trellis systems to suit for your landscape. We take the time, as they say, to measure twice and cut once.
Whether arboriculture, landscape construction, or design, each of these projects showcases aspects of our unique range of skills and talents.
Who should you talk to? Learn more about each team member's individual backgrounds and unique skill sets in our biographies.
Founding Partner &
Landscape Contractor
Specializing in Operations Management, Estimates, Construction Oversight
and Planning
Founding Partner & Arborist
Specializing in Ornamental Pruning, Orchard Production,
Tree Health Assessments, Pest Management
Registered Landscape Architect
in Massachusetts & Maine
Specializing in Native Plants and Ecological Design

We create residential and commercial landscapes that focus on health, longevity, and overall well-being. Take a closer look at what our clients are saying about us.
"Our experience with landscape designers at our previous homes and in our current home (4 total) was 2 steps - an initial onsite visit/discussion, then a written or verbal "narrative" description of the plan....No drawings, no emails, no pictures of plant or tree choices, and no discussion of any possible tweaks. We had to guess what the final outcome would look like....and in all cases I was disappointed with the final product. That is one reason why I was so happy when Matt Connelly asked me to send him a list of plants we like, and extra thrilled when I saw that you had incorporated all that you could in our initial drawing. The unexpected bonus was how you seemed so willing to have a back and forth discussion on questions we had, and how you gave us so many great choices for specific plants and trees. (I had absolutely no idea there are dozens of types of Japanese Maples!! I thought one or two the most)....You educated us, provided us with several choices for each space, and at times gave opinions of what you thought would look good.....I appreciated all of this VERY much!"
Karen Rocco
South Boston Residence
Have a question? Whether you are a design professional, developer, or homeowner, all inquiries are welcome. Send us a message via the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
266 North Street
Weymouth, MA
235 Washington St
Pembroke, MA