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Kara Lam

Registered Landscape Architect

in Massachusetts and Maine

Specializing in Native Plants and Ecological Design

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Kara Lam has a Bachelors of Arts in Architectural Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz where she graduated with Summa Cum Laude, Highest Honors in the major. Her undergraduate work on environmental sustainability and improving wildlife corridors with landscape design lead her to the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University from which she holds a Masters of Landscape Architecture.  The primary focus of her graduate studies includes ecological landscape planning and habitat restoration for wildlife for large-scale conservation sites.  

During the summers while in graduate school at Harvard, she interned at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. In the summer of 2011, she completed the Isabella Welles Hunnewell Internship which focused on grounds maintenance strategies, horticulture, plant propagation, and arboriculture.  She led the curatorial research and helped to envision the landscape management plan for the intern team project involving renovation of historic Bussey Hill landscape site at the Arnold Arboretum grounds.  In the summer of 2012, she worked for MetaLAB where she researched and designed a landscape navigation interface to allow patrons to interact with the Arboretum’s collections via smartphones. She has also worked as a researcher and illustrator for a publication on the use of phytotechnology in landscape design and site remediation.

At Skyline Landscapes, Kara creates unique horticultural planting designs on a residential and commercial scale.  Kara manages and directs all drawing related tasks, including concept drawings to full construction sets.  She is experienced in illustration, computer graphics and construction sets requiring advanced skills with a variety of rendering and drawing programs.

With a love for National Parks Kara has driven across the United States and parts of western Canada in search of finding new plant species.  She enjoys learning new plants wherever she travels and is keen to discover their cultural and medicinal uses.  If you are interested in restoring your landscape to support native flora and fauna, Kara can be reached at


  • Professional Landscape Architect, MA Registered Landscape Architect 

  • Massachusetts B​o​a​r​d​ ​o​f​ R​e​g​i​s​t​r​a​t​i​o​n​ ​o​f​ ​L​a​n​d​s​c​a​p​e​ ​A​r​c​h​i​t​e​c​t​s [No. 4249]

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